Joshi Judo Goshinho

JOSHI JUDO GOSHINHO (Prearranged Form of Self Defence for Women)

This is a more recent kata and was developed in 1943 by Jiro Nango, the second president of the Kodokan Judo Institute. Jiro was Jigoro Kano’s nephew and took over the reins of the Kodokan school after Kano died. He was managing the Kodokan during World War II. During that time, there was some concern that the Kodokan could be taken over by the military and become a place where soldiers are trained. Jigoro Kano was wary of this possibility and hid many of the methods of goshinjutsu from the general public. The Kodokan could not operate for a while, after the end of WWII. When it opened, there were some restrictions. For example, the goshin waza was not taught.

However, Jiro Nango developed the the Joshi Goshinho because wanted to preserve the self defence techniques for the women who were competing in the woman’s division.

The techniques are as follows:


  • Tai-no-ido (body movement)
  • Tsugi-ashi (following foot)
  • Migi-sabaki, Hidari-sabaki (right and left movement)
  • Migi-mae-sabaki, Hidari-mae-sabaki (right and left forward movement)
  • Migi-harai, Hidari-harai (right and left sweep)
  • Migi-maware, Hidari-maware (right and left turn about)
  • Mae-shizume, Migi-shizume, Hidari-shizume (front, right and left sinking down)
  • Hiza-ate (knee strike)


  • Kata-te-tekubi-dori (single hand wrist hold)
  • Ryo-te-kata-te-dori (double hand wrist hold)
  • Shishi-gyaku-dori (reverse four finger hold)
  • Ude-kakae-dori (arm wrap hold)
  • Ushiro-dori (rear hold)


  • Ude-gyaku-dori (reverse arm hold)
  • Ushiro-eri-dori (rear collar hold)
  • Ushiro-kubi-himo-jime (rear neck rope choke)
  • Ushiro-dori (rear hold)
  • Kyohaku-dori (frontal hold)

The purpose of this training is to improve courage, and power and build character. And also, giving women the ability to be able to defend themselves, if and when such a situation arises.

The Joshi Goshinho presents several other benefits for women of all ages. The exercises are dynamic and will keep a person healthy. Not only will you learn the skills and techniques, but also will improve mentally. The sport of Judo is a straightforward one – highly rigorous.

The Joshi Goshinho is rigorous and will improve overall cardiovascular health. Understandably, people are busy with business or house chores. It has become increasingly difficult to spare time for exercise. Due to this, cardiovascular health is neglected and people start facing health issues.

Joshi Goshinho is a special form of training that will help with cardiovascular conditioning and overall, it will improve your heart health. Joshi Goshinho will develop your reflexes as you need them most when you are defending yourself. This special training will improve your reflexes. With consistency, your reflexes will periodically get better and you will feel much better overall.

There is also the issue of obesity. It is becoming a problem that causes heart disease and blood pressure issues. Joshi Goshinho is designed to help women tone and increase muscle mass; this leads to weight reduction. Judo can help you maintain a balanced body weight while improving flexibility. This will improve the overall quality of life.

Joshi Goshinho improves physical and mental power and teaches you to stay focused. It is an excellent choice for women who want to learn self defence and stay fit at the same time.
