Judo v BJJ

For a beginner, Judo and BJJ would look the same, because, in both sports, practitioners wear Gi’s and the objective is to grapple your opponent to the ground. Judo and BJJ have similarities and differences in competitions

While both are grappling arts, BJJ is focused on groundwork with some takedowns. Judo on the other hand is focused on throwing/takedowns with minimal groundwork.

Judo is an Olympic sport as has removed some techniques which can cause injuries and for the safety of competitors such as wrist locks, shoulder locks, knee locks, ankle locks and neck cranks.

Judo and BJJ share the same ancestors and in a way, they are both knotted with one another.

Judo and BJJ Techniques

Both use similar techniques for, joint locks, and chokeholds.

In BJJ, practitioners focus on groundwork and submission, while Judo focuses on throwing, groundwork and submissions. Furthermore, if the Judokas end up on the ground in competition, they have limited time for submission or to hold down/pin their opponent. Otherwise, the referee will call Matte and get the judokas to stand up and continue.

Basic Judo Rules

  • Submission techniques like armlocks and chokes are allowed from Senior boys and girls  (from 12 years of age)
  • Throwing your opponent completely on their back full point and the match won
  • Throwing your opponent half on their back half point. Two half points to win
  • Holding your opponent down (10 half-point -20 seconds full point).
  • Gripping specific locations (not allowed to grab the legs in a standing position).
  • Fights can be won via submission.
  • Fights can be won by a half-point.

Basic BJJ Rules

  • Submission techniques like armlocks, leg locks, and chokes are allowed.
  • The match continues as long as the competitors are moving on the ground.
  • Points are scored using: takedowns, sweeping, passing the opponent's guard, back control, obtaining a knee mount position, and full mount control.
  • Fights can be won via submission.
  • Fights can be won by points if no one taps.
  • You can compete in Gi or No Gi

Judo Uniform

The Judo Gi is built for durability as it has to withstand gripping and throwing. White colour and Blue are allowed in Judo.

BJJ Uniform

The BJJ Gi is generally lighter than a Judo Gi and It comes in different which include; including white, black and blue.

Also, BBJ can complete in no Gi Rashie and shorts

Both BJJ and Judo are ideal for self-defence as both disciplines teach students to take down or submit opponents under stressful conditions.

Judo and BJJ share the same roots and competitors in both sports borrow different techniques from each other to gain an advantage. For example, a Judoka can use the arm bar or choke to earn Ippon, and a BJJ practitioner can use Judo throws to earn points.

Pace and Time Limit

In Judo, there is a time limit and can go into golden score if no points have been awarded that is why Judokas need good cardio and fitness. If the match is not progressing or if the competitors are stalling, the referee penalises a judoka and restarts the position.

On the other hand, BJJ competitors can stall and there is a time limit. If the time runs out, competitors will be judged by points scored.

While Judo and BJJ are different sports, they share the same ancestors, and training both of them is possible. Especially for those who wish to compete in MMA and even for those who love contact sports in general.
