Nage No Kata

NAGE NO KATA (Prearranged Forms of Throwing)

Nage no Kata consists of 5 sets of throws and was developed at the Kodokan in 1884 and 1885. These throws are demonstrated on both right and left sides. The demonstration begins with the two participants bowing onto the mat. The Kata begins with the tori (thrower), throwing the uke (the person being thrown). The attacks are progressive in terms of style and show how the tori needs to adjust and use different techniques to counter attacks.

Hand Techniques (Te Waza)

In this demonstration, the uke uses an aggressive form of attack by grabbing the tori and pushing him back. Tori then demonstrates the principle of yielding by stepping back while pulling uke forward in a throw. This demonstrates the precision of Judo techniques and how the power of the uke is used against him.

Shoulder Throw (Seoi Nage)

The tori is attacked by uke, using a downward strike on the head. This is blocked by tori while using the momentum of the attack to throw the uke over his back and shoulder. This throw demonstrates a Jujutsu throw where the arm is broken during the throw and is a movement that signifies effective self-defence.

Shoulder Wheel (Kata Guruma)

In this demonstration the tori takes a large step back while being attacked by the uke and lifts uke across his shoulders, throwing him in a wheel-like motion.

Hip Techniques (Koshi Waza)

This is one of the favourite throws of Jigoro Kano. In this demonstration, the tori uses the hip as a fulcrum to throw the uke in a sudden motion.

Sweeping Hip (Harai Goshi)

This is a sweeping hip throw and a modified technique from sumo and Jujutsu.

Lifting Pulling Hip (Tsuri Komi Goshi)

In this demonstration the tori throws uke end over end by taking a high grip on the collar, preventing the uke counter.

Foot Techniques (Ashi Waza)

In this demonstration, the uke’s feet are swept out from the trailing side by the tori.

Lifting Pulling Foot Block (Sasae Tsuri Komi Ashi)

In this demonstration the tori steps to the side and turns, using the force to off-balance uke while blocking uke’s attack. He then throws uke in a large arcing forward throw.

Inner Thigh Throw (Uchi Mata)

In this Kata demonstration, the tori moves circularly and takes away the initiative from the uke. Tori pulls uke behind him and throws him.

Rear Sacrifice Techniques (Ma Sutemi Waza)

In this Kata demonstration, tori yields the first attack by uke and then advances his right foot while making sure that the uke steps backward with his left foot. Tori swings his advance foot while sliding his other foot between uke’s legs, destroying uke’s balance, and then throws him in a circular arc.

Back Throw (Ura Nage)

In this Kata demonstration, the uke strikes tori’s head, tori steps under the blow and attempts a flat throw over his body.

Corner Throw (Sumi Gaeshi)

In this demonstration, the uke tries to disbalance tori by using a defensive posture. Tori uses a modified defensive stance and grips uke, pulling him forward, and throwing uke in an arc over tori’s body.

Side Sacrifice Techniques (Yoko Sutemi Waza)

Uke’s attacks are yielded by tori by stepping backward. Tori then attempts to disbalance uke and pulls in a turning motion and pulls uke down with him.

Side Wheel (Yoko Guruma)

Tori yields uke’s attack and tries to throw him by ducking under uke’s arm, this is countered by uke by forcing tori’s head down. Tori uses a counterattack in a wheeling action, unbalancing uke and slinging him from the side.
